Saturday, October 20, 2012

All Saints!

I really never believed in patron saints. For me, they are just role models because like us, they're human too. Let us just follow their way of life. In praying, we must direct to God and not through them. No medium. It is just between you and God.

When I was a kid, my first memory of a saint is San Lorenzo Ruiz. He is our church patron saint. In my young mind, I was very proud that our church, of all the churches then that I had known, has San Lorenzo as our patron. And that is because he is still the only Filipino saint until this day. Just until today! For tomorrow, all Catholics in the world are going to welcome their newest saints. Tomorrow is the canonization of San Pedro Calungsod, the second Filipino saint.

When I was in my elementary years, St. Therese is our school patron saint. I had this thin comic book about her life. I read it several times and treasured it very much for that is my only book then. I don't know if that can be considered as a book, it was very thin. Anyway, that was my only book aside from my school books and Pambata magazines which helped me academically. As a young girl, I admired little Therese. I got to imagine myself doing things she did.

And that was all then. I have grown up. The world showed me a lot. I learned a lot and thought a lot. Those memories are history. But as they say, history repeats itself.

October 1, as I was listening to the miracles and prayers answered by St. Therese, I still believed those were of God. But then, I prayed to her, asking DOLE & NSO to call me. In prayers before, I only asked for NSO. I was afraid of DOLE's far flung areas assignment. But on that night, during the holy eucharist, I included DOLE in my prayer. I asked St. Therese that if DOLE will call first, I pray I can manage the work. Whatever it is. Wherever it be. Actually, I was just thinking and just rehearsing it in my mind during the mass. For that will be my prayer if I can get a petal, showered from heaven by St. Therese. But there was no petals. A shower of roses never came. And I forgot the prayer too that I made. Until the afternoon of the next day, October 2, when DOLE called me and told me that I am hired & assigned in Iloilo Area. That means not in Aklan, Antique, & Capiz. That was it. Perfectly answered prayer!

Note that the St. Therese Church (Santa Teresita Church) is annually celebrating St. Therese of Child Jesus' birthday every 1st of October by having a mass and a shower of roses' petals. But this year there was none. Or maybe because we attended the last mass for that day and the church had no petals left.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Viva Saint Pedro Calungsod!