Sunday, November 18, 2012

Four Seasons

The "Sidewalk mini Garden" we found in our walk... enough to take our final pictures.
The Four of US... in that faithful day...

Emie and Rayssa in the Riverside of Iloilo Esplanade. Taking our first picture for the day.

Emie in her one of the many dramatic poses and Rayssa promoting her advocacy for world peace.

I thought she was ready for the picture until the wind blew.

Laughing out her unpreparedness...hahaha

This was Emie's moment. No one dared to bother her.


Feeling awkward at first..

Settled for the picture atlast!

Rayssa preferred to stand to be different.

From the TOP!

There were only three of us that time and we wanted a picture of three of us together. 10 seconds is the only maximum time in the camera to do such. And here was the result... It took my breath away. Only Emie had it right.

our second try...

the third try... better!
Then tried another background, again, we ran out of time and the worst thing was to be told that we are not allowed to take the picture in front of that building. We don't know why.

Back to the cubes!!! and Emie in her always very serious approach, now with her book.

And back in the side of the river.

Two ladies together but seperated by deep thoughts and different imaginations.

Rayssa was again the photographer... :) And Emie was still again in her deepest!

Another picture while still waiting for Phoebe.

And Phoebe's here!!!

Catching-up for I'll be going in a few minutes.

The AB English majors, and me (taking that picture) is their adopted classmate. They are among the few friends from college that are still in touch with me.
Thank you girls that even for that short time, you lighted me up while the sunlight burning me madly.
See you next time!


Ipomoea said...

Dear Shane,
It was such a lovely day indeed. So, let us gather more memories together while capturing the beauty of our life's simplicities. It's such a blessing that you and I were born under the same sky inside this small, peaceful and lovely city of Iloilo ^__^

austineshane said...

Thank you emie. . . :)