For the fifth week of Share on Saturday, we will get-to-know another Filipina blogger.
Here she is, Bee!
Here she is, Bee!
Name: Bee Caluya (Real Name is Bethany Joy Caluya)
Blog URL:
Birthdate: December 4, 1995 (my birthday is coming!!! :D)
Mailing Address:
55 Suba, Matatalaib, Tarlac City c/o Dolores Mangilit
Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Blogging.

Philosophy in life? Try and try and try and when you feel like giving up? Read the first word and give it a try. Lol
Your Beauty Secret? I don't really have one. lol ♥
What are you afraid of? Being alone. And slimy creatures. Eek.
Do you believe in Magic? Nope. They're just mind tricks. lol
What is the craziest thing you ever did? I applied for an online tutor job abroad at the age of 15. I didn't pass. LOL
What is life for you? Life is a journey. Sometimes, the road is smooth. Sometimes, the road is rough, but we keep on going anyway because there's a lot in store for us. That's the beauty of life, the mystery of tomorrow. :)
Why you blog? I blog because writing is my way of expressing myself. I also do this because it's not every day that you meet people whom you have same interests with and i love to share my stories to them.
Your favorite post of yours in your blog? I don't really have a favorite one but i like this one because these are my goals. [2k13 Goals]
Questions for Me?
What are your goals in life?
10 years from now, where do you see yourself? What are you doing?
What qualities are you looking for in a guy? (Hihi ♥)
II. Your SHARE (Write your POST below. It could be ANYTHING!)
Hello yourself! Thank you for reading my lame answers. lol. I have ECO defense tomorrow so my brain isn't functioning very well right now. I just want to say, BLOG WHAT YOU WANT TO BLOG. ANYTHING. If they criticize you, DO NOT CARE. It's your blog! Own it, and EXPRESS YOURSELF. Love ya. xo, Bee-chan.
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