Saturday, October 05, 2013

Share on Saturday: Questions for Me by Supriya


I'm so honored to have your Share on Saturday exactly on your birthday. It's like including us, especially me in celebrating your past 14years. May you stay pretty and humble and intelligent as you are. May you continue to nourish your talents, yes, with "s" and never ever doubt your capability in touching the lives of people by sharing what have you inside. Never ever give up in life, you deserve to live it fully. Never ever give up with all the uncertainties life may give you, they will always be there, but not to defeat you, instead, to make you a better person.
Continue to love Math, it is not supposed to make your life complicated, but it is there to help you simplify life. Life maybe too serious at times, but handle it with grace and more simply. You'll surely derive the best out of you.

1.How are you so pretty?
 Oh thank you Supriya! But I'm really not! I'm not that confident too! Maybe I was... but not really now. I just have this enough courage to SMILE to everyone I meet everyday and every night of my life. Right now, I'm also in a treatment for a skin illness that has no cure. It will never go away. It may become invisible but it's still there.
 2.How old are you?
 I just turned 23, exactly a month ago of the day you turned 14. What is my birth year then? AHAHAHA, just kidding. I know you're too good in Math dear to answer that so obvious thing.
3.Where are you from?
 I came from a country of 7,107 islands. I live at the heart of our country. Our city is known as the City of Love.

That's it Supriya, may you enjoy your birthday! Keep safe!♥♥♥

1 comment:

lil bit fancy said...

Hi there! New follower. What a great post! You were such a cute little girl!
