Thursday, June 05, 2014

Bent not Broken

For me, it is.
The picture is so convincing.
But I won't talk here how good the picture is, for it really is.
I want to emphasize here the words written in it.
Let me quote again it here, "We're not broken, just bent."
Everyone has been broken.
To those who may say they did not, do they?
They maybe living in a world that is so unreal.
A world of make believe.
For a real world is tough.
Pretty tough.
And everyone has a fair share of broken journey.
I am broken.
Financially? Maybe.
Emotionally? Not really.
Physically? Definitely not.
But see, we have each a share of broken - something.
But being broken doesn't mean your end.
You maybe broken, but still you breathe.
You are not dead, just broken, let me repeat.
You may have reach your current limit.
You maybe have surpassed it.
Yo may have done things you are not used to.
Or you did not usually do.
Experienced things that you think is not essential to you,
for only pain it caused you.
But you see, you are still reading this.
After those trap of life, you came out alive.
Aren't you proud of yourself?
You have done things you thought then you couldn't.
You have experienced a kind of life you never dreamt for yourself.
Isn't it amazing?
You  did it! Hoooray!
But my point it here is you had the chance of extending your self limit.
You gained something new for yourself.
You got a new skill.
A very useful skill that gives you a new confidence in facing the life ahead of you.
So afterall, being broken is not bad.
Broken indeed is not the appropriate term.
We are just bent.
The photo quote is from Pinterest.

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