Friday, May 23, 2014

Sleeping Beauty

I'm a sleepyhead! Besides the fact that I don't exercise, I just so love sleeping. Whenever I'm home during weekends, I sleep. And I sleep means whole day. Well, not literally sleeping, that's because of intense summer heat during noontime but I'm just there in my bed, cuddling my pillows and never have any intentions in getting up and do some house chores.
Every morning when I need to get up for office or any other important things to do, it's always a hard time. So, you won't be surprised if I tell you that I am always late in everything that I do. Lazy!
And right now, as I type this one, I am very sleepy. Yaaaaaawwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
I won't say good night yet, it's only 6 in the afternoon.
I hope you like the photo quote above. Just never mind this text I wrote. Just another non - sense rant. Hehehe! :D

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