Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Garlic Bread

Just today, 09/26/2012, I've tasted my newest favorite bread. The Garlic Bread. I'm not sure if I have tasted it already before, but I am sure that I haven't tried to buy one for myself.

 It was a gamble for me to buy a food that I am not even sure I like it. But all I know, I like garlic flavor foods. As long as it is just a flavor, not the garlic itself.
When I did my first bite of it, it was like... OH!...
Actually, I bought two kinds of garlic bread. The other one,which I forgot to take a picture of it, is named something like Cibatta Garlic Flavor. And the one, whose pictures shown above (already half eaten by me) is just simply called a "Garlic Bread".