Sunday, December 23, 2012

God Alone

1. She chose the line that leads toward you. She prepared herself as the line moves forward, excited to be with you. Later she learned, she was in the preceeding line from yours. The other line that next to you. Maybe someone had cut the line, and made it into 2. That made her end up to someone else. Though she didn't end up on you, she want you to know that she tried. Just sometimes, some things are not meant to be.

2. A little after she thought of kissing him, he kissed the bible. He's for God alone. And she admire him even more. He's a man of her God. 

3. She's almost done reading the 2 sequenced books she bought in a low, low price. The books are all about a daily life of a single lady whom she thought she can almost relate in so many ways. But why she found a page tackling about having a relationship with a vicar in each of the book? God never fails to remind her to be good. That is why her conscience keeps hunting her.

4. She feels sad of missing his birthday a day ago today. She wanted to come though obviously not welcomed to despite everyone is invited. She simply fed herself to all the stories her aunt told her the night after his birthday. She is teary happy while seeing his pictures but got depressed she wasn't there to hear him sing. She's been anticipating to hear his 'promised singing' since before Christmas. Still, God wouldn't allow her to and that's better, she simply thought.

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