Tuesday, December 18, 2012


What I believe about Love?
I believe that love is absolute. Love is love no matter how each of us will define it. For it is indefinable, it is as it is. When someone falls in love, her world stops. Nope, it doesn’t stops, instead, her world revolves to that one person only. Love is an ultimate expression of human beings. Love is the consolation in time of distress, the solace. Love is sacred, for love is God. Therefore, it must be treated with complete respect and only pure intentions. We don’t search for love, in the contrary, love finds us. I believe that love will bring me an ideally perfect man, a Prince Charming, a knight in shining armour. Love is heaven sent, a gift, a destiny. I believe that love conquers all.

What I learned about Love?
I learned that love is relative. Love doesn't occur in a flash of a moment. Love can be an ultimate excuse to evil intentions. Unlike fairytales, love doesn’t usually ends in a happy ending. Love is nurtured by time. Love is learned.

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