Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Real Meaning of Christmas

Glitter Text @ 
 I wrote this when I was in 2nd year high school. Our student teacher has marked a lot of grammar corrections on it and made a short note in the back page, “your essay is full of substance!!! Congrats! Happy New Year!!!”. As I read it now, I know, I can add a lot more of substance to it than what I did write before.

Many people were very excited when they know that Christmas is going near. But most of them don't know of the real meaning of Christmas. Most people celebrated Christmas by buying gifts and cooking expensive food. They also organized party for their family. They celebrated Christmas by enjoying and making social doing.

Nevertheless, there are a lot of people in our country who knew the real meaning of Christmas. They believed that Christmas was celebrated because of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ who was born in this world to help the people and saved them from their sins and also for their lives to be good. So, the people believing this, celebrated their Christmas by giving foods to the poor, by helping the people in need, and by praying the prayers to help saved the world from evils. Their beliefs were right, but what if you don't have enough time and money to pray and buy foods to the poor?

Christmas was celebrated because Jesus Christ wanted to remind us over and over again that He was born in this world for one major reason. People must give love to their fellows. By doing that, they also show their love to our Almighty Father in heaven. The real meaning of Christmas is not spending much money and time, but by giving your love to people around you. You can give love to them by showing that you cared for them. That's how we must celebrated our Christmas is that everyone will be happy. Let's give to them the real meaning of Christmas.

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