Saturday, February 01, 2014

My Head Spins

I just want to rant here that my head is spinning right now!!!!!!!!!!
Got no sleep since yesterday. Just had those super quick nap from time to time and forced myself back to be awake.
I was making this video presentation about RA 10361 aka Domestic Workers Act. Just done it.
I'm not sure if I made it right, though. Well, my head is spinning. What kind of output you can expect then?
I'm just hoping it could satisfy enough.
So maybe you are wondering why I'm still doing this non so sense post and don't sleep instead?
Well, I got to upload it in the net first. And the net so damn slow.
As of this moment, 30%... and counting, waiting for the rest of its 70% to be done.
My head spins!

I never thought this to be this hard. My health, my senses, my life...
little by little it escapes me without my knowing.
I miss the feeling of waking up and getting excited for the day.
Recently, I always wake up and wishes to be back in bed again.
All I want is to sleep. I feel so deprived, really.
My head spins!

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