Sunday, February 02, 2014

My Labor

Being a Public Servant is not easy.
But my love to my country, my dreams for the Philippines and for myself to grow and learn each day keep me on going.
Working in the Department of Labor and Employment is indeed laborious.
Imagine how this video presentation, just more than 5mins., took my time so much, and trigger my stress. Anyway, it was done and despite the struggles, there is no giving up here. This advocacy fulfill my desires for my country.
I hope you can learn something from here and appreciate the work your government is doing.
Maybe we are not perfect. Maybe we cannot satisfy the people. Maybe some of us our corrupt and selfish. That's the harsh truth, for most maybe. But here are these people too (can I include myself?), that gave up their family time, their weekends and even do overtime without pay just to cater the needs of the public. We may not give you the life you dream for yourself, it is something you need to do for yourself though, but we are trying to fill the gap of poverty and prosperity in our own little ways. We are trying to figure out those what should be done and what should not to correct or maybe just to minimize the wrong way we are leading our life. We, Filipinos, are skilled, hardworking and intelligent. But where these attributes lead us? Some may use their attributes properly but most will be used by other in their own benefits. The Philippines right now is lacking of skilled workers, where art thou? Most are abroad, bringing the name of Filipinos worldwide and letting the world know how good we are. Some are left here, underemployed or worst, unnoticed.
A year spent in the Labor Department helped me understand why this is all happening to us. Thousands are unemployed but their are also thousands of jobs that are not filled. See? That is how ironic our situation is right now. And maybe you will ask why those thousands of jobs cannot be filled in by the thousands of jobless Filipinos? Talent Mismatched! Well, I do not intend here to lecture about Job Mismatch but I just want you to know that there is a better future for our country if we just know how to cooperate with our government, and be part of that government. You need not to employ yourself in a government agency or run for politics to do that. All you need to do is to support the government's project, listen to them, and if possible apply it with your life. Our government is spending millions, even billions, for the project that people always ignore. We always love instant thing to happen to us, instant success. We do not have enough patience to look into our government's efforts in easing our lives. We in the Labor Department have this advocacy of choosing the right course that will sure lead to your employability. Still, younger generations opt to take "what's in" courses rather than the courses that future jobs are waiting. If we only learn how to live accordingly with the things we only have, we won't be suffering. If we only learn to adopt the government's idea of how we should live and stop ranting and stop minding those so imperfect government officials  and focus to those who really deliver their services, we can beat poverty. It is indeed hard to love and not be loved back.
Wow, so much is running in my mind right now, and cannot focus to a certain topic, forgive me and just let me say whatever that comes in my mind. This is not another rant post, but this is something I am being frustrated about. The feeling of not being appreciated. Yup, that is how we feel in the government. People seldom appreciates us, they are always mad at us. They always see what's wrong in us. And they don't even realize, that like them, we are too Filipinos, we dream too for our country, we sacrificed most of our time to understand the situation that destructs our country. We do trials and even suffered in our errors just to continually strive in answering the needs of our country. We are not just sitting all day in our offices while waiting for the time to struck at 5pm. In the Labor Department, so lucky are you if you happened to go home at exactly 5pm. We always went home late. Our families cannot understand that situation all the time, especially that we are not compensated with all those overtime we have. We at the Labor, violate our own Labor Law for the sake of public service. It's stressful, yes. But whenever we saw someone smiles and appreciates our efforts, no salary grade can be as rewarding as that. Well, I have said so much. My post is simply about the Kasambahay Law. This is for us to think that Kasambahay is our Kasama sa Bahay, not just a helper or a slave. They are employees and we are their employers. They are paid because they deliver services to us. They are like most of us, their skills and time are paid through salary. They are part of our Labor Force. A very important force that sustains our economy and our country as a whole.

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